HMAS Sydney test fires Harpoon missile against land target The test was conducted during a US-led multinational exercise Pacific Vanguard 2022 (PV22).

HMAS Sydney missile

The Royal Australian Navy’s (RAN) Hobart-class guided missile destroyer HMAS Sydney has successfully test fired a Harpoon surface-to-surface missile against a land target.

The test was conducted off the island of Guam during a biennial multinational exercise Pacific Vanguard 2022 (PV22).

The exercise witnessed the Harpoon missile successfully intercepting the intended target.

During the same exercise, another RAN vessel, the Anzac-class frigate HMAS Perth, also demonstrated its missile firing capabilities.

Perth engaged an evolved sea sparrow missile (ESSM) against an airborne target.

Both the RAN vessels participated in this week-long exercise as part of the regional presence deployments to represent Australia’s commitment towards maintaining maritime safety and security in the region.

Besides, such deployments aim to bolster cooperation and interoperability between the allied and partner nations.

Recently, the Hobart-class ship also took part in the integrated air and missile defence exercise Pacific Dragon and test-fired an ESSM against an airborne target.

Apart from Australian vessels, the latest exercise PV22 saw participation of the US Navy, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, the Royal Canadian Navy and Republic of Korea Navy.

Australian Task Group Commander and HMAS Sydney Commanding Officer commander Andrew Hough said: “We are always keen to show our friends and allies that we can work with multiple partners, a variety of ships and aircraft and demonstrate our ability to respond together to challenging threats.

“It was especially satisfying for Sydney’s ship’s company to prove our ship’s Harpoon surface-to-surface missile capability against a land target, joining other ships in the fleet that have previously fired the missile.

“I congratulate every member of the team for working so well together, and with our partners, to achieve this milestone.”

from JC’s Naval, Maritime and Military News

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