RNZN – Kitione graduated from university and navy training Friday, September 8, 2023 – 12:44. Updated on Friday, September 8, 2023 – 22:31. Auckland, New Zealand

Kinitoni Lotulelei performing a haka with fellow Navy graduates. Photo / Supplied.

In New Zealand, 23-year-old Kinitoni Lotulelei, completed and graduated, only a few weeks apart, from both his university studies and his basic but “ruthless” navy training.

NZ Herald’s ‘Alakihihifo Vailala reported that the young Tongan man’s double academic and career triumph is encouraging fellow Pasifika to test the waters and challenge the boundaries.

Kinitoni is now encouraging other young Pasifika interested in joining the New Zealand Defence Force to do so.

Lotulelei’s parents are originally from Tonga, coming from the villages of Sapa’ata and Tongamama’o in ‘Eua. His parents migrated to New Zealand shortly before he was born and settled in Kelston, West Auckland.

He excelled at Kelston Boys High School and in year 13 economics, in particular, which led him to study a commerce degree at the University of Auckland.

While studying, mainly online because of Covid, he also began training with friends preparing to join the Royal NZ Navy. The group’s mentor, Leading Youth Development Specialist James Faleofa, invited people serving in the NZ Army and Navy to share their stories with Kitione and his friends.

“That hooked me in and it made me want to join the Navy,” Kitione says.

His younger brother is also in the Navy and completed his training a few months before Lotulelei.

Lotulelei graduated university in May and then completed basic training a few weeks later in June. “Ruthless but in a way that teaches you discipline,” he says. “It changes you from a civilian into an actual sailor that’s here to protect the country, the waters.”

He recalls a training exercise which involved repeatedly carrying sandbags uphill.

“I reached the very top of the hill [and] my legs had almost given up. I’d had enough. But I remembered my old man’s saying that pain is temporary, but victory is forever”.

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